2022 Joker’s Wild Sporting Clays 6 month long Summer Sporting Clay League
(Starts April – ends September)
Prize for every shooter that finishes & Remaining in prizes by class (By Drawing)
Total monthly entry fees including targets: $50.00
Cash, Please NO Credit Cards
- Participants must shoot 1 round of Sporting Clays per month.
- Participants must shoot every month to qualify for prizes.
- Shooters will be classed by score average from first 4 months shoots.
- The remaining Two months the shooters will shoot their awarded class.
Example: Classes are: (A 100-80), (B 79-70), (C 69-0),
- To decide winners in classes the total of targets broke will be added.
- Shooters may shoot a month ahead.
- Shooter may only shoot a maximum of two league rounds in a day. The Second must be shot from a different shooting position. (Hoop)
- REGISTERED SHOOTS do not qualify.
- Shooters must declare their league score before they shoot.
- Shooter caught cheating will be placed in their appropriate class!
- (Joker’s Wild Management has the right to alter program as they see fit)
(618) 753 – 2003
All and any participants must shoot any time in April to enter league.
All 6 months must be shot by October 9’22 to qualify for prizes.